Our vision

To provide a highly structured, yet flexible learning environment for pupils. We also aim to provide a school with high expectations of all our pupils by providing strong role models and an inclusive environment.

We anticipate that all new students and families, as well as existing St Nicholas pupils and families will have a smooth transition into the Canterbury Primary School community. We will endeavour to establish and continue positive and meaningful collaborations within the main school. We will focus on developing and encouraging a class of inquisitive and independent learners. We envisage that by the end of Key Stage 2 all students will begin to develop their independence in key curriculum skills. We will be a focussing on developing social independence; learn how to communicate effectively, modify their own behaviour and become reflective learners. We would expect each student to have access to links within the community, creating and encouraging an increased awareness of others.

Satellite classes at Canterbury Primary School

We are extremely lucky to be part of a popular, happy, friendly and welcoming school, which is set in spacious grounds within The Canterbury Academy Trust campus.

At St Nicholas School Primary Satellite provision, we hope to provide as many links as possible within the main school. This includes a range of inclusion activities both within the KS1 and KS2 departments where appropriate for our children. We look at the subjects that each child enjoys most and we have a small group of children that attend these subjects with a member of our staff.. We have attended Art, Science, PE and Food Technology, which the children have all found very interesting. The children are proud of what they have achieved in these lessons and enjoy being part of the wider community. We have also started inclusion Music lessons this year which we are very excited about.

We also have access to the in-house Forest School area, which we can benefit from all year round. We have shared playtimes with children from both KS1 and KS2. We eat lunch in the main hall and the children are encouraged to be as independent as they can.


Spring 2024

Hawking Class have started their animation topic this term. We went to Toddlers Cove to look at backdrops for our animation Project. The river had flooded all our pathways so we talked about why and discussed how this can be stopped in the future. We looked at how the landscape was changing and found some signs that spring is coming too! See our photos.

Hawking Topic webs

Hawking timetables

Hawking Class Term 4





Easter Bonnet Parade 2024




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