St Nicholas school is a friendly, welcoming place where everyone is encouraged to do their best and work towards achieving their full potential. We provide opportunities for all children to grow and develop and we acknowledge them all as unique individuals. Our school is a learning community that includes and values everyone where we all work together in a supportive caring and professional way.


Our School Exists To:

•    Support children and young people with Special Educational Needs to maximise their learning and social development within the school, home and the wider community.
•    Provide teaching and learning in the most inclusive environment.
•    Work in close partnership with parents, carers and families.
•    Raise educational standards by providing through Individual Educational Plans clear targets for each pupil.
•    Ensure access to high quality teaching supported by a multidisciplinary team work utilising a range of specialist resources and facilities.
•    Support the professional development of all.


Our School Aims To:

•    Give each child a sense of personal value, promoting self-confidence and self-esteem.
•    Provide a secure yet challenging and happy environment.
•    Prepare children and young people for an active life in society being as independent and autonomous as possible.
•    Provide a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum including the National Curriculum differentiated to meet the needs of the pupils.
•    Develop pupils abilities in Basic Skills.
•    Work in partnership with the LEA in introduction and development of national and local initiatives.
•    Ensure success, achievement and progression for all pupils.
•    Create the opportunities and the environment for the experience of childhood to reach all pupils whatever their degree of learning difficulty.
•    Address the needs of the whole child and support their local and emotional development.
•    Support all staff and value their contribution to the educational process.


Community Cohesion Mission Statement

By community cohesion, we, St Nicholas School, mean working towards a society in which there is a common vision and sense of belonging by all communities; a society in which the diversity of people’s backgrounds and circumstances is appreciated and valued; a society in which similar life opportunities are available to all; and a society in which strong and positive relationships exist and continue to be developed in the workplace, in school and in the wider community.

We share a commitment to empower our young people to play their full part in society. In the light of this we aim to:

•    Recognise and respond sensitively to the talents and needs of every pupil and provide the most appropriate means of developing their full potential.
•    Ensure that equality of opportunity is available to all.
•    Develop a spirit of tolerance, understanding and respect for other cultures, traditions and Faiths.
•    Build a community based on justice and a sense of personal responsibility while acknowledging the power of healing, reconciliation and forgiveness.
•    Promote dialogue and co-operation with the wider community.

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