S1A Class Introduction

Hello and welcome to St Nicholas Canterbury Academy Satellite


We are a Year 7 and Year 8 group of students starting our key stage 3 journey.  We hope to develop new skills to support student learning and independence and build on existing skills too.  We are primarily based in the Callis Building at Canterbury Academy, supported by visits to the community, swimming and forest school this year.  We are fortunate to support our learning with access to Canterbury academy specialist rooms for cooking, music and PE. You can see the timetable below and a student version to ensure students can begin to equip themselves day by day.


Below is the information for the term ahead to provide an overview of studies up to the end of term 4.  The topic for this term is Europe, with a weekly focus on the work of individuals and their work.  We will investigate the contributions and work of European individuals such as Archimedes, Da Vinci, Benz, Von Braun, Marconi, Herschel and Curie. Our maths work sees a focus on Money, Literacy sees us reading biographies and a Novel entitled "Two Sides" with a focus on friendship. We will be investigating cells and matter in Science with opportunities to explore the work of the scientific individuals too. 



S1A Topic Web and Documents


Should you wish to get in touch, please use s.gulliford@stns.org.uk for email and

07754 749727 to contact the class mobile phone.


General enquiries to St Nicholas can be made on 01227 464316.


Simon and the S1a staff.




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