We are very happy to be part of this vibrant and caring community at Canterbury Academy, where students benefit from a varied and enriched curriculum which promotes independence whilst providing tailored support.
Term 5 - April 2024
Welcome to Term 5 and we hope you had a good Easter break!
The term ahead promises to be busy, challenging, varied and full of new experiences!
As well as continuing to develop and build on our core functional skills in Maths, English and Computing, we will continue with the Key Stage 4 work experience options on Mondays. These will look slightly different as other opportunities such as Samphire Hoe have resumed, so please watch out for the letter coming home with the details.
Most students now have their Companion Bus Passes, which means that we will be have flexibility in accessing the community and also in undertaking more travel training opportunities.
Some of our students will continue their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze programme on Thursdays, please can they ensure they wear appropriate clothing and bring a packed lunch and their bus passes in on these days.
All students will be continuing to work towards City & Guilds Entry Level qualifications in English - all have sat their Maths and two elements of English (Reading and Writing). This term will see a focus on the Speaking + Listening element of the English qualification.
The full Learning Map and Timetable for the term ahead are attached below.
Please contact us at any time and I would like to thank you all for your continued support and engagement with your children's learning.
Please use the telephone number or email address below to contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Tracy & Michael
t.turner@stns.org.uk OR m.moore@stns.org.uk / 01227 464 316 x251 OR 07754 749 686
Curriculum Information
- PE is on a TUESDAY - with an additional session for some students on a Wednesday. PE kit required on these days.
- Homework and spellings are set weekly on a Friday
- If you have not done so, can I ask that you check your emails – you should have a message inviting you to join Class Dojo. This is a communication platform that teachers, students, and families can use to share what is being learned in the classroom through photos and messages. It is also a way of showing you how well your child is doing in terms of rewards and can really motivate students.
- Your child will have access to a variety of home learning resources and activities and logins for all of these will be sent home. These include Active Learn, Studyladder, Times Tables Rock Stars and Xello.
S4A timetables