Welcome to the Chartham Primary Satellite Page

Chartham Satellite

Updated: 21/04/2024 54 KB
Updated: 30/01/2024 723 KB
Updated: 30/01/2024 94 KB

Satellite Classes at Chartham Primary School

We are extremely lucky to be part of a popular, happy, friendly and welcoming school, which is set in spacious grounds at Chartham Primary School. There are 2 classes of up to 8 children with varying needs, all with an EHCP. These are Penguin Class and Polar Bear class. The provision has 2 teachers (one lead teacher) and 2 teaching assistants in each class. 

The children are integrated well in the main school and inclusion opportunities include: sharing playtimes, attending inclusion lessons, assemblies, trips out of school, dinner times and PE.

Children are expected to wear the Chartham School Uniform and abide by the Chartham rules. 

Reading - we aim to encourage parents to read with their children for up to 5 minutes daily. We appreciate comments in the Reading Record. Please let us know when your child's book needs changing. We aim to change these weekly.

Home School Books - these books are very important communication methods between home and school as we do not see parents on a regular basis.

If you wish to contact us - 

Julie Dimech - j.dimech@stns.org.uk

Simon Bryant - s.bryant@stns.org.uk 



Chartham Satellite

Updated: 21/04/2024 54 KB
Updated: 30/01/2024 723 KB
Updated: 30/01/2024 94 KB


Term 3 January 2024


Welcome to Term 3. 


Term 2 was very busy indeed with extra-curricular activities almost every day.  This term we see a return to much more classroom based learning. 

Our English work this term focuses on Animation. Children will be learning the basics of animation and learning the key features of what makes a comic strip. They will then start to write their own comic books. 
Phonics continues with children grouped into appropriate settings so they are taught the correct phonemes. This is then applied into their reading which now takes place every afternoon for 30 minutes daily. 


Maths this term focuses on lots of addition and subtraction with a key focus on length and capacity. We encourage lots of practical activities at home wherever possible - measuring items, pouring, filling.   

PE continues every Tuesday this term so please ensure children are dressed in sports clothes and trainers. 

Food tech in Cherry class is every Wednesday. Usually we will eat what we have cooked for snack on Thursdays so no snack will be needed to be brought in - thank you. 

The full Curriculum Topic Web and timetable for the term ahead are attached below. 

Please contact us at any time and I would like to thank you all for your continued support and engagement with your children's learning. 


Cherry Class